
Eid Greetings From The CEO

  Dhul Hijjah     News

Walid Ali, CEO of Islamic Relief Australia

Assalamu-alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuh,

I pray that my message finds you safe and in the best of health.

Today is the day of Arafat, the greatest day of the year! The Prophet (SAW) said, “There is no day on which Allah (SWT) frees people from the Fire, more so than on the Day of ‘Arafah'”. May He accept your righteous good deeds on this holiest of days.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 20 July marks the start of Eid-Al Adha ( Festival of sacrifice). The 4-day celebration of Eid-Al Adha is to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s ​(AS) devotion to Allah (SWT) and his readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. Allah (SWT) replaced Ismail with a ram, which was to be slaughtered in place of his son at the very point of sacrifice. This command from Allah (SWT)was a test of Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) willingness and commitment to obey his Lord’s command, without question. 

The current global pandemic is also a test from Allah (SWT) to humanity and it is incumbent, upon the believer to submit to Allah’s (SWT) will without question and to return to Him in worship and supplication, so that He will extirpate this pandemic from our lives. 

Sadly, this year’s celebrations will not be as usual, but that should not stop us from celebrating their significance with our friends and families, even if it is only by phone or via social media platforms. 

Stay in the spirit of these special days, offer as much remembrance of Allah SWT as you can, and stay safe by staying at home.

I wish you a most joyful and spiritually uplifting Eid.

Eid Mubarak.

Walid Ali


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