
Mohammed’s Story: Receiving a Lifeline

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Every year, Islamic Relief distributes Ramadan food packs to the underprivileged to bring hope and joy in their lives. 

One of the recipients includes 50-year-old Mohammed Nur and his family, who live in Bhasan Char Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh.

No Way to Earn a Living

On the island, there are fewer livelihood opportunities. To earn a living, most locals fish in the sea.  

However, for 50-year-old Mohammed Nur, who lives on the island’s Rohingya camp, his physical constraints prevent him from doing so.  

“We are struggling to survive. As I have no earning source, it’s very difficult to bear the expense of my family. My family members have no earning source either. Therefore, living here is very difficult.” 

Life as a Rohingya Refugee

“I feel nostalgic when I remember the sweet memories of our homeland. 

“We were well off in Myanmar. We used to have Iftar together with friends and relatives. We used to buy different Iftar items and Eid presents for all. 

“We had everything but now we are penniless here in the camp. Here we are dependent on others as I have no income. We receive monthly food ration and manage with it.” 

Without a stable source of income, Mohammed Nur and his family are dependent on monthly food rations.

“Whatever we are offered from donors, those are our only options. As such we treat ourselves with the food we receive. 

“Sometimes I feel so frustrated remembering our old days. I do not know when I will be able to see my homeland again.” 

Ramadan at the Rohingya Camp

“I believe Ramadan is the month when we get closer to Allah. 

“I try to follow all the rituals during Ramadan. I try to accomplish all 30 days of fasting. If I feel very sick, only then do I skip fasting.  

“We break fast at sunset with a simple diet. We offer Taraweeh prayer at night. My wife and I also recite the holy Quran and offer additional prayers.” 

How Islamic Relief Has Helped  

“I am familiar with Islamic Relief since I have been relocated to Bhasan Char. 

“Islamic Relief has been providing us with monthly food ration since the beginning. Moreover, I have been helped by WASH facilities and Qurbani meat packs donated by Islamic Relief.   

“We are extremely happy to have Islamic Relief’s Ramadan support. We have been receiving the special Ramadan gift for the last two years.  

“Islamic Relief’s Ramadan food package is different from other NGO’s Ramadan support. It brings joy and happiness to every single family in our camp.  

Islamic Relief distributed a total of 12,417 food packs to vulnerable families in the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs) camp in Bhasan Char and Ukhiya, including Mohammed and his family.

“The food pack was a great relief to my entire family. The children were extremely happy having this Ramadan pack.  

“I sincerely thank Islamic Relief, particularly for their remarkable efforts during this sacred month of Ramadan.   

Save Families From Hunger

Multiply your rewards from Allah (SWT) this Ramadan. Give families in need the opportunity to enjoy nutritious food for Suhoor and Iftar during this blessed month.


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