
“The best gift a father can provide for their child is an education.”


Education has the power to save lives. Yet, globally, a staggering 260 million children lack basic literacy skills.

Every child deserves a quality tuition. It’s the key to a brighter future. A key that offers them the chance to learn critical skills. To grow in self-confidence. To escape the brutal cycle of poverty.

What’s more, access to education doesn’t only help the child. It also helps their family and wider community and impacts the generations after it. Because, when a child discovers their full potential, they have to power to pave pathways to a brighter future. And bringing blessings to their wider community.

At Islamic Relief, we believe in fulfilling the needs of every child. Including their need to educate, learn and grow. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping each child gain a critical education. To learn much-needed skills and grow a bright and happy future insha’Allah.

Case Study: Investing in Education in Tunisia

Islamic Relief is investing in education in Tunisia as part of a plan to build hope and ambition among young people.
Local dignitaries attended a special opening ceremony to launch the programme, which aims to build confidence in a better future through education.

The project, run alongside the government’s strategy to improve education, will build the capacity of schools and libraries in Medenine governorate, in southeastern Tunisia. Islamic Relief will train teachers in modern and creative teaching methods. We will help schools organise a series of extra-curricular and sports activities to boost pupils’ interest in school and help tackle lateness and unauthorised absence among children.

Islamic Relief is investing in education in Tunisia

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